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I've played all the routes, and all the LI's and I absolutely love this game! The story and lore is captivating, and I'm finding myself wanting to know more about this interesting world. Though of course I have my favorite love interest (Lacey), I did enjoy playing through them all. I actually enjoyed it so much that I'm going back to replay, which I don't often do. I look forward to any future projects this creator works on, great work!

I just spent that past three days finishing every single route in the game and I'm still absolutely in love with this novel. I don't think I'll be able to look at a visual novel the same way again. I just wanted to know though... do Haron and Ernol's mother look like the Harpie in the second picture? 

finished the game recently in progressive king's route, as i like to call sir haron, and i'm absolutely in love with it😔tho i must ask if there's gonna be more to the story in the future, since i was very curious to know more about the cutinah and other aspects of the plot. just wanted to thank everyone involved for this *bliss*, if you will.

I'm like 5 minutes in but this is already the most amazing VN i have ever played. thank you so much for making it! 

This game makes me so happy! I just played it a second time and it never gets old. You're so talented. Your characters are amazing and the atmosphere of the game is the best. I can't help but get totally immersed in the universe of Ebon Light. I even made a sim of Lacey lol. He's my favorite. Thank you for this masterpiece and keep up the great work!

(1 edit)

Everything about this game is amazing 100/10. This was so well done! Like I can't express it enough! This remains as one of my favorite games! And is mostly definitely in the top three!

I just finished my first play-through and thoroughly enjoyed it. This is an absolute gem of a game. The dialogue, the world-building, the LIs... everything is just *chef's kiss* and I genuinely cannot believe it's free. Well done!!!

(Also I picked Duliae first and he's just 10/10. The Onyx Chandler lives rent free in my head though we all know he could afford it)

I was wondering if there was anyway to completely start the game over again? Like starting it for the first time?

Hi hi!
Deleting the persistent progress like 'seen' text and unlocked outfits and codex entries?
That should be doable by deleting your persistent data! Should be somewhere like:

Windows: Appdata/RenPy/(Ebon Light)

Mac: Library/Renpy/(Ebon Light)

Linux:: Other~/.renpy/(Ebon Light)

I hope that helps!

After i deleted the persistent data i also had to delete the saved game data and then it worked beautifully! tyvm fantastic game

(1 edit)

Honestly, I've been avoiding playing this game since the second photo creeped me out and I don't do well with horror themes but I just finished my first playthrough with Vadeyn and ugh... the feels TT.TT I wish there were more romantic scenes with the LIs since Vadeyn's route is so sweet :( 

*SPOILER* I wish we were able to see how Vadeyn interacted with MC's aunt in the end as well and honestly... I don't have the heart to stay at the island with the being :| maybe i'll try that option once I get the confidence to do that LOL  

I was also hoping there were more fighting scenes and some sort of angst but that's okay! The plot is definitely unique and I loved how you created a stats page as well as a people, place, and lore section! There were also a good amount of customization and choices which you don't really see that much in VNs. I can't wait to finish the rest of the LIs and for your future works as well!! <3 

Btw, where exactly is the second photo of the creepy creature located in the game?

It's the harpies in the cabin. You'll be able to see them if you choose not to hide or stay still.

Thank you <3

Yes! As the helpful Seductive Cabbage said, if you choose not to hide or stay still when you're facing harpies in the cabin, you get that CG! I'm glad you decided to give it a shot! I've heard that comment before, that CG putting people off... hmmmm....

Thank you so much for playing it! And, thanks for the feedback!!

(1 edit)

I just finished this game, let me tell you this is AMAZING. I love the art style its like a breath of fresh air, and it felt like my choices mattered. I love how my character wasn't a complete ditz and managed to stand up for herself at times (lol). I also loved that you included person of colour customization options (made me feel included haha xD) and that there was overall solid customization options included in the game. I can only imagine if you had a huge team of people what you would come up with. The world building and lore was just icing on the cake.

I just ugh,I am a very picky person about these types of games, I will delete if they can't capture my attention in the first few mins. But you have impressed me and left a good impression at that! I will be happy to support you in any future endeavors you have. Again great job with the storytelling and the art, just wish the dang game would have lasted longer lol.

Also Lacy is best Boi lol. That snark is 100/15

Stay safe & please take care of yourself!

Thank you so so much!

Please take care of yourself, as well!

(1 edit)

Y E S Lacey is always best boi

(2 edits)

UGHHHH ITS SO GOOD!!! For the first time in a while i felt as though my choices mattered (I actually hid under my desk when i had the MC enter the death ring). I have spent over 40 hours playing this game and my god am i sad to have finished it.. Thank you so much for making this game <3

(P.S Ernol= Best boi)

Ernol and Lacey, fighting for spot of best boi always~

Thank you so much!

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you so much!

Saffron was super fun to write and her expressions pfff very fun to make, I love her too~

Thank you again!

Are you currently working on anything? 

(1 edit)

Her tumblr page says she is working on something but is keeping it under wraps because she felt bad about people who had to wait a while on ebon light. 

From her tumblr:

"I’ve had it asked a few times and indeed I am working on other ideas, but not direct EL sequels. Nothing confirmed, though, I’m a little gun shy of announcing things now ;)"

Thank you very much for the reply and info! I'm very excited but will be patient and understanding as I wait for the next work. 

Ahhh thank youuuu! I want to have a (hopefully far better) plan for my next go at this!

Thank you so much for letting them know for me!! <3 <3 

I honestly have no words to describe how amazing this game is!!!! The story, the characters, the art... It feels like being inside a fantasy book! Absolutely mesmerizing! The best visual novel I've ever played, really unique!

Ohhh, thank you so much!

OK, so normally I wouldn't make a comment about a game, but sheesh this game exceeded all my expectations.

So I've played an embarrassing number of otome games and usually feel like the ones that I play in English don't have as much depth as they could, or they suffer in quality in some way. Maybe the story is good, but the art is meh, or maybe there just aren't many possibilities with the routes. But this game doesn't really trip up in all the ways I've come to expect, and you aren't even asking for anything but donations for it. I've honestly paid for games so much worse than this.

Obviously a lot of love went into making this. I am not easily impressed, but you've done it. You pulled off a game about hot elves and my eyes didn't roll even once. THAT is a feat. Thanks for sharing your work with us, and I really hope to see you do more in the future! Xx

Thank you so, so much! 

Ppfffff 'hot elves and eyes didn't roll even once' that compliment, ahh! <3

Thank you sooooo much for all the comments, I'm so glad so many of you enjoyed EL! Thank you so much for playing it!

(1 edit)

This is such an amazing game, especially for the free price! The graphics are gorgeous, so realistic and detailed! The story is interesting, the love interests likable. I love the amount of choice on how to take the story, and the amount of customization! I rushed over here to add my love before I've even finished! I'm playing Vadeyn's route, but Haron has caught my eye. Much longer than I expected, and worth every second!

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

is there a walkthrough of this game? the options are so many!!

(1 edit)

So i'm not sure if this a bug I found but.. I can't seem to get through the rest of the story once I hit the Cas-cas, I'm thinking its because of the madness points. Is there a clear walkthrough? Other than that I love this Story. 

There's a walkthrough on Underbliss's Tumblr that goes up through the CasCas (no farther, unfortunately, but it should get you through)

It helped me through my second playthrough. My first one I managed to beat it with out understanding what madness points are. Now I can't even unlock the first option with the Cas-Cas during any other play through. I'm thinking im either too high of madness or too low of madness. Can anyone tell me what or how to get the madness points are?

I'm confused about where the madness points are, too.

Hi! I'm sorry I don't have anything more 'official' to offer, but regarding madness (which is, essentially, a measure of how far you've let the Cuthintal... in/take control/take over), I wrote up a list of ways to gain madness before on Discord. I found it, posted it, I hope that helps you guys in some way!

Hold on, I didn't know that you could use the cuthintal on ecarae in the ship. I've never encountered it before. How?

This was so good. Once I started I couldn't stop. I just love Lacey, Erlon and Haron so much, I wish it would have lasted even longer

Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoooooyed it!

One of the best VNs I have ever played. Just finished Laceaga, can't wait to continue playing.

Lacey! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thank you <3

A beautiful game. Loved the art style and the story.

Ohhh, thank you for playing!

Best visual novel I've played and read! So creative and unique!!! Even though I'm sad that it's over, it was amazing!

Awwww! Thank you so so much!

This is a must if you like VNs. Defenetly one of the best ive read so far. Not even the most you have to pay gives you the expirience this does. Just a 10/10. I hope we can see a second part or another similar game. Loved it!

Thank you!

Im just so sad thats story is over , got to say, that was incredible experience, everething in this game so damn right, i hope it story and wold will be continue in other projects..

Thank you!

This free game has exceedingly surpassed my expectations, in fact I can't think of any other VN that comes close to this one. It it truly a masterpiece and I enjoyed every second of playing it.

*The art is gorgeous and the fact that you can customize your character makes everything a hundred times better. 

*The story is great. Everything is interesting and written well and told in a right pace.

*The characters are unique and likable

*You can make your own personality and that's probably one of my favorite aspects of this game, that you're given very versatile options to how your character can respond. 

*Choices matter! 

*Romance is beautifully developed. It's not overwhelming nor lacking. Just right. I only tried one LI so far but I absolutely love him.

*Music is pleasant

Everything about this game is fantastic and I'm shocked I just found it now. Kudos to the dev for creating this masterpiece. As soon as I'll find a job and get my salary, I'll donate. 

The best VN for my taste (and I've read a lot of them) so far. And I'm a pretty picky and exacting vn-reader, you know ;) Well, there're no extremely shocking and mind-blowing twists in the novel, yet, it's still gorgeous. The whole atmosphere is magnificent. The plot is very decent and exciting. The "main character role-playing element" is pretty huge, you may act as you like, making your own personality. You even may customize the character (not too detailed, but still), also may change outfits during the game. Love interests are good and properly written, each of them has his own personality and logic of actions, they are diverse thus everyone will find a lover for the taste. Moreover LI don't attack MC with their rampant groundless love from the beginning (well, most of them don't, heh), love-stories has logical development. What else, hm..? The story is fit for adults as well as for not that adult ;) since it's pretty mature-oriented, yet there's no too adult content, everything decent and respectable. Almost forget to mention that it's well and high-quality drawn. You totally should try it yourself, it's absolutely worth it. 
I'm extremely surprised the novel being free. There're so much worse things that cost a price and this treasure is for free. Hope endlessly the developer will honor us with another masterpiece.

I first played this game when it was at 98% and absolutely love everything you put into this game! <3 It was fantastic! The lore was so engaging and the interaction with all the characters enriched the story  even more! Thank you for making such a wonderful experience!<3

This is my fav otome. It's nice and dark, there's a constant tension and the characters are all wonderfully drawn out! Only a scarce few have your well-being at heart and I like how realistic it feels.

The MC is and acts however you want her too and I immensely enjoyed how witty she could be. The routes are all wonderfully cute and I still have a hard time deciding who my fav is. (I would have loved a Cuthinal route)

The routes are all streamlined, which means while there is replay value thanks to the sheer amount of choices at your disposal, the romances are all following a similar pattern along the main story. The ending(s) you achieve are therefore equally similar.

I wish there was a DLC or something. Anything. I'm desperate for more :<

I honestly think this game should not be free. I've paid for Otomes that didn't give me half the content nor the engaging story and then there's Ebon Light, giving me all that and much more, and it's free. Yeah, unbelievable.

Thanks so much for this!! I'll be playing this for years to come<3

Wonderful, mysterious Visual Novel. Had me hooked in the first few minutes and it's unpredictable and keeps up the tension the whole time. 

Very lore-rich and fitting music (nothing upbeat, but more subtle and with emphasis on the situation or location.)

Very much recommended :)

And I didn't even finish it nor a route once yet. Just need to stop a bit after reading it without a break for 3-5 hours or so.

Three words: HOT EMO ELVES

  • Vadeyn: the goodest boi
  • Lacey: the baddest boi
  • Ernol: the tsundere boi
  • Haron: the charming boi
  • Duliae: the bougie boi

Seriously though, totally worth a read as you can tell by all the positive comments. Thank you for this amazing game :)

First of all, an enormous "thank you" to Underbliss for creating this masterpiece! It has been a delightful distraction from my daily life in quarantine. I've thoroughly enjoyed escaping to the wholly original, fully developed world of Gha'alia. If you're a fan of dark tales and gothic romance, you will not want to miss this VN!

Now, to discuss the love interests. There are five possible love interests in Ebonlight, and each of their routes are are equally enjoyable. There was not a route that I did not enjoy playing! Of course, everyone will have their favorites. My personal favorite routes were Ernol's, Haron's, and Laceaga's. 

Haron's was the first route I played, and I'm so glad it was. Haron falls in love with MC at first sight, and is just so genuine and charming throughout the story. He has no qualms about showing affection to his "madralee," so there are plenty of swoon-worthy moments in his route!

Duliae is cunning and charismatic, and surprisingly tender in his relationship with MC. In order for the romance to feel more genuine, however, it's best to play through the game with a cunning and clever MC. His route revolves around the MC discerning whether Duliae's attraction to her is because she possess the Cuthintal, or if he desires her for her own merits. This is the route where you learn the most lore, in my opinion, so I found it quite fitting for a second playthrough.

Vadeyn's route is best described with one word: sweet. He is very caring and considerate towards MC, if not a bit shy in revealing his affections. Vadeyn is pure and kind; a true Prince Charming among the love interests. Of all of the routes, his felt the most romantic to me.

Laceaga's route surprised me; I was not expecting to love him as much as I did! He and MC have a sort of antagonistic, flirtatious relationship that I found immensely enjoyable and surprisingly sexy. I think that he and MC consider each other to be true equals by the end of his route, which is why their relationship works. In my opinion, this route had the best dialogue in the game.

To my surprise, Ernol's route ended up being my absolute favorite! He is cynical and brutally honest, and does best with a clever and cunning MC. The romance between him and MC is definitely a slow burn, but once he confesses to her, it becomes clear that his feelings are the most intense and passionate out of all of the love interests. His confession came later in the game than the others', but had me swooning the most of all. I also found Ernol to be the most attractive of the love interests, which endeared me to him even further.

If you are able to, definitely pay for the game! I would consider it to be worth $20, at the very least. While there is no voice acting and relatively few cgs, the writing and storytelling alone make this one of the best vns I have ever played. Brava!

OMG I think exactly the same!

Easily in my top three fav. otome games. Call me infatuated, but I absolutely adore the lore of the game, the customization, graphics, storyline, love interests, everything . I'm gushing; it was that good, completely binged all the routes (dibs on Haron and Laceaga, flirty Casanovas and deadly, humorous elves are totally my type). 

Thanks for creating such an amazing game. I'm looking forward to any future projects you guys do, sending my support and cheering you on <3

(1 edit)

This is definitely one of the best visual novels I've ever played. 

My first route was Ernol and I have to say he has touched my heart. I'm playing Duliae route at the moment ;).

Congrats to the creator for such a good job.

Thanks you!

p.d: Have you considered to translate this novel into spanish?  I am sure that the Spanish-speaking community would be very grateful to you (me first)

Loving the game so far but I have a weird bug ....stuck on my screen even after reload is Kadia "Wonderful" it just wont leave the screen. 

What an incredible game. Truly fantastic.

Of all the games i've played, this is ONE I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF!! :<<< I LOVE ERNOL OMIGOSH THANK U FOR THIS GAME <3 I am trying to find games that can top this one but so far, no luck :<< 

If this would have voice actors,, I WOULD HAVE PROBABLY DIED. thank u once again thank u thank u 

I played this game more than 5 times now--Checking out all the guys, ya know, ahem--and uh, PLEASE, PLEEAASSEEEE make a sequel for this! OR EVEN ANOTHER VISUAL NOVEL! Ebon Light has become a part of me(Just like the Cuthintal) AND I NEED MORE OF THIS!!!

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